BMS governance
There are some strict rules and guidelines for how funds from Banjima trusts can be used and how the decisions are made. This is to make sure the funds are used to benefit and support Banjima people.
The Charitable and Direct Benefits Trusts each have:
- Decision-Making Committee (DMC)
- Banjima Council
Both are made up of elected Banjima representatives and are responsible for the development of distribution policies.
The composition of the Banjima Council is required to be (in the opinion of the Trustee) representative of the Banjima People on a fair and just basis.
The DMC create policies with the Trustee and funding projects, but the Council are the final decision makers and they must endorse the DMC decision on a policy before it goes to the mining companies for approval.
- Policy created by DMC and Trustee
- Policy endorsed by the DMC
- Council review the policy – any changes it goes back to DMC to reconsider
- Council approve the policy
- Trustee approves the policy
- Policy is sent to the mining company for approval
Each sub fund has its own Council and own DMC.
The members who sit on these must be beneficiaries of that fund. They are responsible for creating, reviewing, and approving benefits for their fellow beneficiaries.
Banjima people who are beneficiaries of the various trusts nominate their representatives to be part of a Committee or Council. Nominees are appointed by the Trustee (AET) according to a selection criteria, for a term of 2-3 years.
Members vote at a Community Meeting to select their preferred nominees. Nominees must be a registered beneficiary of the particular trust fund and be 18 years or over.